Small Groups are the BIG thing about newLife! One of the reasons we love Small Groups is that they help make the local church more local. They’re the closest thing to the type of Church that the first followers of Jesus would have known, down to earth and close to you.
We meet all over the place – in homes, community spaces and coffee shops – with two things in mind; to connect in a meaningful way and to encourage each other as we follow Jesus. There are over 20 groups that meet all over Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire.
Our Small Groups are all different; some are just for women or men, some mixed, some for youth or young people, and yet others still that have nothing else in common aside from a passion to follow Jesus more closely. While we love coming together as a gathered community on a Sunday, our Small Groups are where the bulk of church activity takes place from letting our hair down to breaking bread – it all happens in Small Groups.