Jesus is the reason why we at newLife do what we do. The love, grace and mercy Jesus has shown us must not only make a difference in our lives but cause us to show that love to the world around us. We want you to find and follow Jesus too.
If you’ve not already watched the video above, do watch it now. It is simple and short – but it is clear and true.
If you want to know more about Jesus then you could do no better than come along to an Alpha Course. newLife runs them regularly so keep an eye on our website and social media. If you feel you want to pray a simple prayer to accept Jesus into your life and that you want to follow Him, then there is a prayer you can prayer below. Either way; please do CONNECT and let us know – we want to help you on your journey of discovery.
Dear Jesus. I don’t understand it all. But I know you love me. I am sorry for the wrongs I have done, to myself and to others. I accept your forgiveness. I ask you to wash me clean and make me new. Help me by your Holy Spirit to live in a new way that pleases you. I accept you as my Saviour and as my Lord. Amen