Make it official

Church is at its best when sold-out followers of Jesus know that they are doing faith alongside other people committed to the greatest cause on earth. At newLife we call these people Friends & Partners. You can become one.

Simply put, a Friend of newLife is someone who counts newLife as their spiritual home. They’ve put roots down, been baptised in water, joined a Small Group, begun offering their time or talent & treasure, maybe in a small way and are seeking to grow deeper into faith and follow Jesus even closer.

A Partner of newLife is a Friend who is an active supporter of the ministries and mission of newLife. They accept that they are not consumers in church but particpants – they love to help and to contribute. They understand that a helpful biblical principle about money is to bring a tithe (one tenth) of income to the church’s ministries in an unpressured and joyful manner. They also accept the leading and oversight of the Leadership Team of newLife.

It is newLife Friends and Partners who are always the first to be offered ministry and mission opportunities and helped to develop their leadership skills. Every quarter Friends and Partners have their own buffet where Leaders share the very latest happening in and around newLife.

To become a Friend or Partner just let us know by email below. You’ll receive an invite to have coffee with other applicants and Pastor Russ.

Email us via the form below if you are interested in becoming a Friend or Partner