Be Baptised

There is nothing quite like a newLife Baptism Celebration. It is when the words “new life” are front & centre in a down to earth & very real way. Every follower of Jesus should be baptised in an atmosphere like this. We hold our Baptism Services every three months.

Here at newLife we don’t practice Infant Baptism. We believe that Baptism is for those who at some later stage have made a conscious decision to accept and follow Jesus Christ as their Saviour & Lord. As far as we understand, the most biblically accurate way to baptise is to do so by full immersion and that is what you will all see today.

Baptism is a recurrent command throughout the New Testament for all those people who follow Jesus. It is a both an essential & symbolic act in three different ways. Firstly it is symbolic of someone being washed clean of sin & shame & guilt. Secondly it is symbolic of the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thirdly it is symbolic of the willingness of the follower to put to death a self-centred lifestyle and live in the new light of a Jesus-centred perspective. Of course it is far more than a symbolic act. It is a very special moment where ordinary people display very publicly and very clearly before friends, family and strangers their desire to live for Jesus. We pray it will be a special moment

If you want to know more about being baptised just email us below.

Email us if you are interested in being baptised